Deixis is words or phrases that are used as reference to something related to the speaker. There are three types of deixis, namely personal deixis, temporal deixis, and spatial deixis. This study aims to find out types of Deixis and the dominant deixis used in Song Lyrics Snowman by Sia. Sia is an is an Australian singer and songwriter who has unique characteristics. The method used descriptive qualitative because the data are in the form of words and phrases. The source of the data was taken from Sia’s song entitled Snowman. After analyzing the data, the results of study showed that 65 words of deixis. 40 or 65.5% personal deixis, 15 or 23% spatial deixis, 10 or 15.5% temporal deixis in Sia's song lyrics Snowman. There are person deixis words used such as I, me, my, you, your, we, and Mrs. Snow. While in spatial deixis, there are some deixis words used such as this, that, where, below, home, in North pole, and From. Temporal deixis used in this song are now, forever, all seasons, till, and Christmas
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Artikel dengan judul “Tentang Deiksis dan Jenis-jenis Deiksis” yang diakses di https://www.rumpunnektar.com/2015/05/tentang-deiksis-dan-jenis-jenis-deiksis.html pada 25 Juli 2023
Artikel dengan judul “Deiksis adalah: Pengertian, Contoh, dan Fenome” ditulis oleh Yusuf Abdul pada 2 Juni 2023 dan diakses dari https://bukunesia.com/pengertian-deiksis/ pada 25 Juli 2023
Artikel dengan judul “7 Fakta Unik Sia, penyanyi Lagu Unstoppable” ditulis Hugoyo Simbolon pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2022 dan diakses dari https://www.liputan6.com/regional/read/5044145/7-fakta-unik-sia-penyanyi-lagu-unstoppable#google_vignette pada tanggal 25 Juli 2023
Lirik lagu Snowman oleh Sia diakses dari https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/sia/snowman.html, pada tanggal 25 Juli 2023